How does it work?

Would you also like to become a patati and find the ideal language partner? Then follow these three steps!

Step 1: register as a patati

Click on the button to register (on the homepage or at the bottom of this page) and fill in your details to create a personal profile. Tip: answer as many questions as possible. This will help you find a patati that suits you perfectly.

Step 2: find a patati partner

Have you registered? Then go to the main menu and choose 'Find a patati'. Use the filters to find a patati with the native language you want to practise. For example, someone with the same interests, age or gender. Or someone who lives in your area.

Found a patati? Send an invitation and wait for feedback. There are two options:

  • The patati accepts your invitation
    Great, you can contact each other now and make an appointment!
  • The patati does not accept your invitation
    They will not receive your email address. You will receive an email stating that the patati will not accept your invitation. No problem: just find another patati!

Have you found several interesting patatis? Wonderful! You don't have to contact them all at once. Keep them as favourites for later.

Step 3: meet up with your tandem partner

Hooray, you have found a patati! Make an appointment to practise Dutch or another language.

Decide together where to meet or what activity to do.

Become a patati in 3 steps